Meet the Team: Andrew

Author - ClarityDX

Posted By ClarityDX

Date posted 14th Nov 2017

Category Blog

Our quick fire ‘Meet the Team’ with our creative front end developer responsible for bringing designs to life, Andrew.

1. What is your role at ClarityDX?

Front End Developer

2. What does an average day for you look like?

I’m up at the crack of dawn. Usually first in the office, I’ll pop in some toast, make myself a coffee and prepare for the day ahead. It’s my job to make our designers’ work pixel perfect for web use and across all the mobile devices & browsers that exist today. Most of my time is spent writing HTML, Javascript and CSS/Sass. Other parts of my job include team meetings and going through scope documentation so I can gauge how to build all the assets needed.

3. What’s the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part for me is making sure everything is functioning as efficiently as possible. I love problem solving so finding the fastest, but most efficient solution to a development criteria is always a challenge, but rewarding when you get there in the end.

4. Any advice for those who want to do what you do?

Just to be yourself and believe in your abilities. It took me a while to fully trust my work was going to be good enough. I’m a self taught developer so I never thought my code would be at the same standard as those who took courses. However, if you persevere and show a passion in what you do, you won’t have anything to worry about.

5. What future technology developments in the industry are you excited about?

All the new JS Frameworks like Vue.js and React are really exciting – these technologies make it even easier for developers to create amazing projects. VR/AR is the most exciting future technology for me. There seems to be a big push in the industry at present in these areas and it’s actually what comes after that I’m excited about – you can kiss your smartphones goodbye, and say hello to neural implants.

6. What do you think the role of a front end developer will look like in 10 years?

It’s hard to say – technology moves at an alarming rate and what I was doing 5 years ago is drastically different to what I do now. I see frameworks becoming more widely used and the push into VR/AR making a huge impact on how we interact with the web. You never know, I might be wearing a headset 9-5 very soon.

7. What are your passions/hobbies/interests?

I consider myself a problem solver and this can be seen in my hobbies and interests. I’m big into cycling and love tinkering with my bike, swapping parts and getting my hands dirty. Other hobbies include: skiing, music, video games, design and technology.

8. What’s your favourite thing to read in print/online?

I love keeping up to date with most web based technologies so you’ll find me reading articles from Smashing Magazine, CSS-Tricks, CodePen as well as content from Medium.

9. Tell us a random fact about you…

I managed to complete ‘through the fire and flames’ on Guitar Hero 3, level Expert…

Let's Talk

Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?