Meet the team: Bea

Author - ClarityDX

Posted By ClarityDX

Date posted 6th Sep 2018

Category Blog

We get to know Bea, our new arts and crafts loving, digital designer!

1.What is your role at ClarityDX?

Junior Digital Designer

2. What does an average day for you look like?

An average day at the moment involves finding out which project I’ll be working on, familiarising myself with the client, finding out what they do, how they present themselves and what it is specifically that they want to achieve and then doing some research to see how best to accomplish that through design.

3. What’s the most challenging part of your job?

Being new to design after working in the banking world I find that the most challenging part of my job is getting to grips with a completely new industry and navigating different and new processes.

4. Any advice for those who want to do what you do?

I would say check out YouTube, Skillshare and as many online resources as you can about user experience, user interface and digital design. If you feel like you just want to constantly learn and create more and more, then put together a portfolio and you’re on the right path to becoming a digital designer.

5. What future design and/or technology developments in the industry are you excited about?

I’m excited about seeing how AR, VR and voice technology change and impact our lives. I’m also curious about the internet of things. I have a light bulb at home that connects to the wifi and I can control with my mobile phone. I set it up to emit ‘daylight’ in the winter months which really helps me to get out of bed in the mornings when it’s so dark out. I wonder what other random, everyday item they’ll stick the internet in next!

6. What are your passions/hobbies/interests?

I love all things arts and craft, watching movies and generally learning new things about everything and anything. Though I probably get the most joy out of exploring Pinterest for new inspiration for web or app design but mostly for patterns and illustrations or even interior design. Some of my favourite illustrators are Deanna Halsall, Stanley Chow and Min Kyung. Definitely worth checking them out.

7. What are your favourite things to read in print / online?

I’ve recently started reading a lot more non-fiction. I’m reading a book called ‘Blink’ by Malcolm Gladwell which is all about human intuition and is a very interesting read. Though Medium is great for exploring a wide range of topics and occasionally I’ll check out Buzzfeed for something more light-hearted.

8. Tell us a random fact about you…

When I was 4 years old I really wanted to be a carpenter when I grew up.

Let's Talk

Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?