Meet The team: Cédrine

Author - ClarityDX

Posted By ClarityDX

Date posted 13th Mar 2018

Category Blog

Meet the team Cedrine

In the latest, ‘Meet the Team,’ our French designer Cédrine speaks her mind (with no filter).

1. What is your role at ClarityDX?

I’m a Digital Designer.

2. What does an average day for you look like?

I start my day by checking Slack, my emails, opening Sketch, having a cup of tea and thinking about the tasks/design challenges that await me. During an average day, you’ll mostly find me sketching ideas, concepts, creating wireframes, designing pages, asking for more details about projects to one of our project manager or excitedly spamming our Slack #Inspiration channel with new good websites that I just found on Twitter / Muzli and debating around UX with David and Nicola! At the discovery phase of a project, I will also attend meetings with clients and study briefs or statements of work to better understand the needs of a project.

3. What’s the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part is finding the right balance between making something creative and new that makes sense and work, but that still manage to solve the real needs of the client and the users.

4. Any advice for those who want to do what you do?

Stay inspired, keep challenging yourself. Be always on the look for the new websites, products, apps, games, digital experiences and try to see what does and doesn’t work. Is the interface understandable? Is it intuitive? What could improve the whole experience? Also, learn from efficient interface ideas, save them, bookmark them.

It is essential to remind yourself that there’s always a way to improve your designs. To make them better and understandable to everyone.

5. What are future design and/or technology developments in the industry you excited about?

I’m currently excited about InVision Studio, which will become if it is as good promised, the new main tool for every UX / UI designer in the industry. I’m interested in a lot of its features but the animation and responsive aspects will help us creating better prototypes to show to clients. I’m also always curious about new technology: how those improvements will impact user experience and the way we make interfaces. Seeing the way technology evolves, as we are moving beyond the screen with products like Echo, Google Home, Microsoft Hololens, or VR… It means that design will have to become more intuitive and work with our environment.

6. What are your passions/hobbies/interests?

After design, my biggest passion is illustration and video games – so I make them coexist by going to Game Jams and creating games with developer/programmer friends in my spare time. I also enjoy going to museums, watching sci-fi movies or horror classics, playing board games and visiting spooky/historic/old places.

7. What’s your favourite thing to read in print/online?

I really enjoy reading Usbek & Rica (which is sadly, for English speakers, a French website, although I’m sure Google translate is good enough) – they write really good articles about innovation, technology, and society.

8. Tell us a random fact about you…

I am French 🇫🇷 (this means that I speak my mind with no filter) and I don’t say “sorry” nearly as much as my English colleagues. I can be found lurking around burger shops.🍔🍟

Let's Talk

Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?