Meet the team: Charlie

In ‘Meet the Team’, Our new addition to the design squad Charlie whoops and hollers his way into the ClarityDX blogosphere.
1. What is your role at ClarityDX?
Digital Designer! Woohoo!
2.What does an average day for you look like?
At the moment, introducing myself to forthcoming projects and researching our clients and their needs. This will typically involve speaking to various members of the 93d team to get their opinion on things and then head into the research and concept development stage. It’s always best to get the creative juices flowing before diving into the computer work!
3. What’s the most challenging part of your job?
I guess the challenge is to eliminate all bias and put yourself entirely in the shoes of the user whilst implementing a design that the client needs. Design is incredibly subjective and whilst there are general principles, the boundaries are constantly changing.
4. Any advice for those who want to do what you do?
Don’t second guess yourself! I had studied art, graphics, and communication at school yet decided to venture down the business path at university. If I could go back now I’d have pursued my design career earlier. The digital industry is always evolving too, more people are online then ever before, technology is universal across all cultures so be sure to keep up to date with current trends. Also, try not to think of design as purely visual (especially in our particular field). Design is a process that helps users be as awesome as they can be.
5. What future design and/or technology developments in the industry are you excited about?
VR and AR are still somewhat niche fields and I like how animation is becoming more involved in UI.
6. What are your passions/hobbies/interests?
I like to swim and being the modern day gentleman I got into yoga whilst I was abroad. They’re great de-stressors. I also love to travel and hoping to do more of Europe whilst I’m back in London. I also absolutely love comedy, surreal and dark particularly.
7. What’s your favourite thing to read in print/online?
I’m a bit of magpie for anything visual. There’s a great chrome plugin I’m using at the moment, Muzli. It catalogues articles from a variety of creative forums and can be the ultimate procrastination tool.
8. Tell us a random fact about you…
When I was a baby I was held by Robin Williams whilst on a ferry in Australia.

ClarityDX nominated for a Digital Impact Award

Meet the Team: Hannah
Let's Talk
Do you have a web design and build project coming up that you would like to talk about?