We won Gold!

Author - Jodi Norris

Posted By Jodi Norris Community Marketing Manager

Date posted 27th Jul 2020

Category News

Banner of ClarityDX & mitie best website from dxa

We couldn’t be more thrilled to find out that we won Gold for the Best Website category at the Digital Experience Awards 2020 in Partnership with Mitie!

Here’s how it unfolded:

The Digital Experience Awards celebrate outstanding digital achievements. The Best Website category recognises websites with outstanding user experience, allowing customers to engage with the organisation in the most intuitive manner possible and with the website delivering an impact.

Summary of the project:

Mitie Group plc is the UK’s leading facilities management & professional services company with offices across UK & Ireland. With c50,000 employees, and 2bn+ turnover, Mitie provides infrastructure consultancy, facilities management, property management, energy, and healthcare services across 17 sectors. Mitie website is also key for its investors & media.

Mitie approached ClarityDX with three key objectives for their new website:

  • Increased lead generation 
  • Greater CMS flexibility 
  • Cost savings from their previous CMS

To reach these goals, the project began with an extensive planning phase, where the teams focused on discovery & definition. This was the most collaborative phase of the project, where Mitie & ClarityDX worked together on outlining the large variety of cross sector user personas & mapping user journeys, to ensure user needs were met.

The site also needed to have outstanding functionality. In order to achieve this, ClarityDX took a more creative approach. First, we built a highly configurable content hub – allowing the users to easily find the content they need.

You can find out more about our approach & read the full case study here.

Comments from the judges:

‘A good solid site that meets all the objectives of the business.. ..A great value for money project, therefore big in terms of ROI.’

‘A clear strategy for the project, and the presentation did a really good job of outlining the complexity of the business and how the team went about tackling the challenge. Good stakeholder engagement came through well, as did the benefits delivered at the end. Good to see the close alignment between the ClarityDX team and Mitie’

A great presentation. I was really interested to hear how the project acted as a catalyst for change within the client organisation. I also liked the fact that the project was very evidence based, including voice of the customer type demos to senior stakeholder to demonstrate user issues with the site.

Let's Talk

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