WordPress Security Guide

Let’s begin by getting one thing out the way – there is always a risk to a website, no matter how it is developed or which CMS you decide to go with. At times in the past WordPress has been in the spotlight for being particularly vulnerable to security issues, but as this guide will point out, the majority of issues are not the fault of WordPress – but rather the fault of poorly informed WordPress users making poor decisions.
We’ve delivered WordPress into some seriously high-pressure environments where there is absolutely no error for margin for clients that have security high on their list of priorities during procurement. Developing WordPress in a way that is secure and stable is not just a bonus add on in projects like these – it is mission critical, and the reputations of our clients rely upon it.
We regularly speak to new clients who have previously worked with a WordPress provider who has never mentioned anything to do with security when it comes to WordPress. Yet security is an absolutely vital part of the WordPress picture, particularly today when there are more threats than ever to a site.
This guide aims to give an overview of security for WordPress with a range of practical action you can take to keep your site safe and secure, protecting it from data loss and hacking. Some points may appear obvious, but sadly they are all too often overlooked.