ClarityDX Lead Developer on WordPress TV

Our Head of WordPress Development at ClarityDX, Alessandro Senese has had his most recent talk at WordCamp Manchester recorded for WordPress TV.
Like all other things WP, WordPress TV is an open-source initiative to record the most valuable and quality talks across the WordCamp events that are constantly being organised all over the World. They’re like Ted Talks, but for cutting edge WordPress-related content.
We’re pleased to say that we have a recording of Alessandro’s talk, entitled ‘Demystifying SSH’, in all its glory below. In his own words, Alessandro introduces the topic by saying,
“SSH is a powerful tool that gives us an easy way to deploy our code and access to our remote server.We will have a simplified overview of how it works and how to set it up.
After we became familiar with SSH, we’ll have a look at how we can benefit from using SSH and some WordPress tools that use it.”
To check it out alongside other WordPress experts, click here.
To view Alessandro’s slides on Github, check here.

Meet the Team: Aaron

Watch WordCamp talk: ‘Design for Gutenburg’ now on WordPress TV
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