ClarityDX are ‘Cyber Essentials’ Certified

Author - ClarityDX

Posted By ClarityDX

Date posted 9th Jul 2018

Category Blog, News

Cyber essentials

As we recently alluded to in a blog post on WordPress security, the World’s most popular (and exponentially growing) Content Management System has become increasingly utilised by enterprise organisations, of which we are proud to call some of these our clients.

As we work with more and more enterprise organisations, and as the landscape becomes more proactive when it comes to data and security on the internet, we want our clients to have as much peace of mind as possible – therefore, we have completed the necessary measures to be Cyber Essentials certified.

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed scheme, part of the National Cyber Security Centre that has been created with the purpose of keeping UK organisations of all sizes protected, against the most commonly reported types of cyber attacks.

When your private internet security becomes compromised, it’s not usually, however, the work of a master hacker. One thing we did learn when completing the course, was that in fact, the vast majority of cyber attacks are simple to achieve, performed by relatively unskilled individuals. Think of them as the digital equivalent of a burglar testing the front door of your car to see if it is locked or not.

The certification process is designed to prevent these attacks. One Cyber Essentials requirement is that devices, software and apps are all kept updated. In addition, a number of policies exist to provide employees with guidance on everything from password security to enforcing two factor authentication, and ensuring our IT infrastructure is correctly configured and managed.

The Cyber Essentials process we went through ensures we now have the necessary operational controls in place as a WordPress Agency to provide protection against cyber attacks.

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