Watch WordCamp talk: ‘Design for Gutenburg’ now on WordPress TV

Author - ClarityDX

Posted By ClarityDX

Date posted 5th Jun 2019

Category Design, WordPress

Nicola talking about Gutenberg editor at WordCamp London

ClarityDX’s Head of Design, Nicola Campbell has had her talk entitled, ‘Design for Gutenberg’, recently published on WordPress TV. Her talk stems from the 2018 WordCamp London, prior to the release of the Gutenberg editor in December of that year.

As previously mentioned in a previous post, WordPress TV is an open-source initiative to record the most valuable and quality talks across the WordCamp events that are constantly being organised all over the World. They’re like Ted Talks, but for cutting edge WordPress -related content.

Nicola’s talk was the first of 3 lightning talks all centred around the impending arrival of Gutenberg. Below is an excerpt describing Nicola’s talk.

“Gutenberg has been creeping up for a long time and now it’s coming for us all.

Most of the initial discussion in the community has revolved around development and usability issues. As it gets ready to launch we’re going to have to establish how we design for it, both in terms of the practical solutions we need immediately, and what it could mean for how we view our work in the long term.”

To listen to Nicola’s insights on WordPress TV, click here.

Alternatively, to view her slides on Slideshare, go here.

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